> On 06/11/2022 23:58, Eric Robinson via samba wrote:
> >
> > You were correct about a misconfigured nss-winbind! When I originally
> copied nsswitch.conf from the working server to the new server, I did not
> realize that /etc/nsswitch.conf is now a symlink in Rocky 8, so what I
copied was
> just the symlink, not the actual file. After copying the real nsswitch.conf
> restarting services, it works now.
> The main reason that you didn't realise earlier was because you used
wbinfo to
> test for the group. Using wbinfo only shows if the user or group exists in
AD, it
> does not mean that the user or group is known to Unix, you have to use a
> tool such as getent to prove that i.e.
> getent group "MYCHARTS\site002_group"
Good to know!
> If nsswitch.conf is now a symlink, what is it a symlink to ?
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 29 Jul 18 09:44 nsswitch.conf ->
> Rowland
> --
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