On 10/22/22 13:26, Michael Tokarev via samba wrote:> 22.10.2022 23:08, Peter Carlson via samba wrote:
> ..
>> No Option to activate AD pam integration with pam-auth-update, and of
>> course ssh gives auth failure
>> ??PAM profiles to enable:
>> ?????? [*] Unix authentication
>> ?????? [*] Register user sessions in the systemd control group
>> ?????? [*] Create home directory on login
>> ?????? [*] Inheritable Capabilities Management
> This is a separate utility to _manage_ pam configs. You can
> add pam_winbind to your system pam configs manually. Alternatively,
> here's an example of how it's done in Debian:
> this file goes to /usr/share/pam-configs/winbind
> /mjt
adding the file did the trick.? The wiki is a bit confusing in this area
as it encourages use of distro tools (like pam-auth-update) and not the
files directly.? A link in the wiki to this file would be super helpful.
Thanks for the help especially on a weekend!