On FreeBSD 11.2,13.0 and at least the standard Samba (4.13) port if one right clicks in explorer (W 10 Pro) to create a "New Microsoft Excel Worksheet" then views the file its atime the result is 2038. root at hewlett:/tmp # stat -x New\ Microsoft\ Excel\ Worksheet.xlsx File: "New Microsoft Excel Worksheet.xlsx" Size: 6194 FileType: Regular File Mode: (0664/-rw-rw-r--) Uid: ( 1001/ jms) Gid: ( 0/ wheel) Device: 0,148 Inode: 160675 Links: 1 Access: Tue Jan 19 03:14:07 2038 <----------- Modify: Wed Feb 23 10:36:56 2022 Change: Wed Feb 23 10:36:56 2022 Birth: Wed Feb 23 10:36:56 2022 Explorer shows this as simply 00:00:00. Opening files normally also sets the atime at least sometimes. I have not managed to make this happen with FreeNAS/TrueNAS or Linux though different versions/patches of Samba are in play there. What is going on here ? Searching has found a couple of similar issues but concerning mtime. I thought mtime and atime were always maintained at the server/filesystem level. The reason I ask is that a customer has the same with Solidworks files and Solidworks gives a completely bogug error message but it's this atime issue. OSs are 64 bit ones. What is more one cannot create a Microsoft Word/Publisher document with a future atime. So I'd guess it's a bug common to Excel and Solidworks. (To head of those no I don't have clock or timezone issues. We're actually on GMT in every way here.) Jon