Hi all, I stumbled upon an error, that doesn?t yield many helpful search results, so I just want to place some information here, so it can be found and may help others. My samba log had following errors: Failed to fetch record! pcap cache not loaded Most suggestions are: If you don?t want to provide printers, just set `load printers = no` in your smb.conf. If you want to provide printers, this maybe a solution for you: pcap means printcap, which is a file created by cups. Man smb.conf states: To use the CUPS printing interface set printcap name = cups. This should be supplemented by an additional setting printing = cups in the [global] section. printcap name = cups will use the "dummy" printcap created by CUPS, as specified in your CUPS configuration file My cups configuration file said (cups-files.conf): # Location of the file listing all of the local printers... #Printcap /run/cups/printcap Unfortunately, setting `printcap name = cups` didn?t resolve the errors in samba log. The file /run/cups/printcap was present, but obviously samba couldn?t find or read it. So I set it like this in my smb.conf `printcap name = /run/cups/printcap` This worked, but after reboot, printcap was not yet written by cups (when samba was started), so samba rightly complains it cannot read the file. So i had to set a printcap cache time. In my case I chose 60 seconds, which makes samba look for an updated printcap file every 60 seconds. Default is 750 seconds. So I ended up resolving the errors in samba log with these entries in smb.conf: load printers = yes printing = cups printcap name = /run/cups/printcap printcap cache time = 60 Best regards, Bj?rn