On Fri, Apr 02, 2021 at 11:16:10PM +0200, Olaf Marzocchi via samba
>Il 02/04/2021 23:04, Jeremy Allison ha scritto:
>>On Fri, Apr 02, 2021 at 06:56:47PM +0200, Olaf Marzocchi via samba
>>>Dear all,
>>>I already sent this email but I wrongly added attachments,
>>>resulting in the first email being rejected. Sorry if you read the
>>>followup with ZFS properties.
>>>I'm sending it again using external storage where needed.
>>>I recently incurred in an issue with Samba 4.7.6-ubuntu (Ubuntu
>>>18.04.05 LTS, with latest updates).
>>>I'm not sure what caused the issue, since at the same time I
>>>performed updates to Ubuntu (apt upgrade) and I separately updated
>>>the zfs kernel module to 2.0.4 from whatever version available mid
>>>last year, also some time passed before I noticed the present
>>>The issue manifests itself as following: when I try to open some
>>>files (not all of them) from any SMB share (I tried two different
>>>Windows 10 machines and one macOS 10.14), the smb3 process takes
>>>100% CPU, it doesn't seem to retrieve the file, and I have to
>>>it "-9", the hard way. I found that, sometimes, after I
kill smbd3
>>>Windows gets the file I tried to open, but it's not a way that
>>>always works: sometimes it's corrupted (cut too short).
>>>I tested locally from ssh and the same files have no issues
>>>whatsoever, it's not a hardware issue. I can read and copy them
>>>without problems.
>>Use strace -p <spinning process id> to get system call
>>traces to see what is going on.
>Thanks for the reply!
>I tried just now:
>sendfile(36, 30, [360448], 262144) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource
>temporarily unavailable)
>I disabled sendfile and the issue is solved.
>I'm very thankful for the help!
>I tried transferring some big files and I still saturate gigabit,
>while smaller files are disk-limited anyway. It doesn't look like I
>actually need sendfile active.
>I'll investigate the sendfile issue with recent ZFS and if needed
>report it on their mailing list.
Hmmm. That may be an old bug (Samba 4.7.6 is quite old
now) when using sendfile() with non-blocking sockets.
It might not be sendfile, but Samba here. I'd advise
trying a later Samba version.