I have Samba (version 4.13.3) running in a Docker container. I have configured it to use Bind for DNS (version 9.16.11). I have been troubleshooting errors in my logs similar to the following: Mar 8 11:30:59 proliant docker-compose: #033[36msamba |#033[0m dnsupdate_nameupdate_done: Failed DNS update with exit code 110 When I was running with the internal Samba DNS previously, I fixed these kinds of errors by setting "nsupdate command = /usr/bin/nsupdate -l -g" so that nsupdate would run in localhost-only mode and override the server provided to samba_dnsupdate. When I tried doing this after switching over to named, nsupdate (via samba_dnsupdate) complained about "cannot reset server in localhost-only mode". However, updating DNS records via RPC (running samba_dnsupdate with the "--use-samba-tool" option) does work so I'm thinking that I might just do this instead since I have tried everything I can think of to get nsupdate to work. As I look through the man page for smb.conf, it's not obvious how I might accomplishing swapping samba-tool for nsupdate. I tried adding command line options to the "dns update command" setting in smb.conf, but it appears that those are stripped out when samba_dnsupdate is launched automatically. Is there another setting in smb.conf that I can use? I am also open to exploring further diagnosis and resolution of the problem I am experiencing with nsupdate. Regards, Brian