Yes, I think that this too was a problem which I detected when scrutinising
However, I decided to start over and take another path and use GPO?s for home
drive, profiles and folder redirection.
smb.conf share definitions corrected (Rowlands input)
New directories created on Debian without any extra unix permission setting
GPO?s created
User account for test deleted and recreated
Test computer rebooted to get the GPO's
Logon works as expected
Profile folder created and populated on logout
App shares mounted as expected using sysvol netlogon script
GPO?s shown on DC with samba-tool gpo listall
Not working (yet):
User?s home directory not created and therefore not mapped to U.
My previous tests showed that the folder was created *when* I filled in the
Profile tab manually in ADUC. Now I rely on the GPO?s, so one step is probably
All in all, I am confident that this will work before end of today :)
Thanks all for inspiration and support!
Anders ?stling
D?mmegatan 11
SE-25442 Helsingborg
Phone: +46 768 716 165
Skype: anders.ostling at outlook.com
On 6 Feb 2021, 17:12 +0100, Roy Eastwood <spindles7 at gmail.com>,
wrote:> > On 06/02/2021 15:00, Anders ?stling wrote:
> > >
> > > Rowland, I did that since the wiki says so. Maybe I have
> > > something :/ ?
> >
> >
> > No, the wikipage describes two ways to set up the profile share, one
> > setting the permissions from Windows, the other setting them on the
> > domain member, you should not mix the two.
> >
> > Rowland
> >
> Looks to me from the OP's screenshot, that Domain Users on the profile
share has got the wrong permissions - it has just Read & Execute, but it
should have Special Permissions, which includes Create Folder.
> Roy