I added a Samba AD to an existing Windows domain with Windows Server 2008 R2 (SBS 2011). For the join to work, I had to set the replication of the reverse zone in DNS administration to "all domain controllers in this domain (Windows 2000 compatibility)". That's the only way the join worked. Now I notice that the reverse zone is not replicated. Does this have anything to do with this setting? In the meantime I have added a second Samba AD to this domain. Everything that I change on the first Samba AD in the reverse zone now also reaches the second Samba AD. But everything I change on the Windows server in the reverse zone is not replicated. On neither of the two Samba ADs. I can only change the mentioned setting for the DNS zone on the Windows server. That doesn't work on the Samba ADs, I get the error message "This function is not supported on this server". Is that normal? Should I change the setting on the Windows server that it is identical with the settings on the two samba AD servers, because on Samba they are not changeable? I have now changed the setting for the reverse zone on the Windows server to "all DNS servers in this domain", and now the zone is replicated. Before there was an error about overlapped entries, but this message has gone and the zones are replicated now. But on one of the samba AD's I have a second reverse zone named ..InProgress-{very long number}. Daniel