I've ended up in a weird situation with my Windows AD environment.
My linux host was originally joined to the domain. For some reason,
the domain server got reset and created a fresh domain with the same
name and all the AD objects (including users/groups) were recreated.
After this, I tried leaving the domain (which was failing with 'No
such file or directory' error). I then joined the domain again, which
went through successfully. Mounting the cifs share worked too.
However, winbindd is unable to map the GID to the group name.
I think that SID for both user and group may have changed from the
last time I was domain joined.
lxsmbadmin at lxsmb-canvm15:~/mnt/lxsmbcanacc1/share1/lxsmbadmin$ getent
group 'domain users'
domain users:x:10513:
lxsmbadmin at lxsmb-canvm15:~/mnt/lxsmbcanacc1/share1/lxsmbadmin$ id
uid=11195(lxsmbadmin) gid=10513
groups=10513,3001(BUILTIN\users),10520(group policy creator
owners),10572(denied rodc password replication
group),11102(dnsadmins),11104(aad dc
lxsmbadmin at lxsmb-canvm15:~/mnt/lxsmbcanacc1/share1/lxsmbadmin$ stat file
File: file
Size: 0 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 1048576 regular empty file
Device: 34h/52d Inode: 11529346987463802880 Links: 1
Access: (0700/-rwx------) Uid: (11195/lxsmbadmin) Gid: (10513/ UNKNOWN)
Access: 2020-06-15 12:55:14.153863400 +0000
Modify: 2020-06-15 12:55:14.153863400 +0000
Change: 2020-06-15 13:10:20.279420600 +0000
Birth: -
Attached the debug level logs and smb.conf for your reference.