On Thu, June 4, 2020 09:17, Rowland penny wrote:>
> Do you have a computer called 'brockley' ?
# ping brockley.harte-lyne.ca
ping: cannot resolve brockley.harte-lyne.ca: No address associated with name
> Also where is '_msdcs' coming from ?
It has to be created either by 'samba-tool domain provision' or from
adding a
computer workstation to the domain. Those are the only two sources of
modifications of which I have any knowledge.
> How many computers in the domain ?
There is the samba AD-DC and one other workstation used to run RSAT. This is a
test-bed prior to migrating an existing domain to a new one because I was
unable to obtain reliable replication results between 4.3 on UFS and 4.11 on
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