Did all your advices, but nothing works
it still creates the tempRANDOMID folder wtih
private/all contains from var/lib/samba/private
but the dns still fails with the same error as my first post
Am 13.11.18 um 12:21 schrieb Rowland Penny via samba:> On Tue, 13 Nov 2018 12:14:50 +0100
> admins aixtema via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> no kinit cause it ask me for a password promt where i enter the
>> password
>> samba-tool domain backup online --server=localhost
>> --targetdir=/mnt/backupsamba/ -U Administrator
>> Password for [AIXTEMA\Administrator]:
>>> What is in /etc/resolv.conf
>>> Im expecting something like this.
>>> search aixtema.de
>>> Nameserver IP_OF_DC
>> search hostname.domain.de
>> domain hostname.domain.de
> 'search' and 'domain' in resolv.conf are mutually
exclusive, you
> shouldn't have both, but if you do, the last one wins, in your case
> incorrectly, I would sugest you remove the 'domain' line.
>> nameserver
>> nameserver IP_OF_DC
> I would remove the '' line.
> What is in /etc/hosts ?
>> i dont have a ldap.conf with entrys, not 1 example for samba ad/dc
>> said do it :) .
> You don't need it.
> Rowland
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
René Fuchs
aixtema GmbH
René Fuchs
Philipsstr. 8, 52068 Aachen, Germany
Tel.: +49 241 70515-1323, Fax: +49 241 70515-15
mailto:r.fuchs at aixtema.de
WWW: aixtema.de
Shop: shop.aixtema.de
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Oliver Rossbruch
HRB 8201, Amtsgericht Aachen
USt.-Id-Nr. DE 210 906 744
St.-Nr. 201/5942/3737, Finanzamt Aachen Stadt
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
René Fuchs
aixtema GmbH
René Fuchs
Philipsstr. 8, 52068 Aachen, Germany
Tel.: +49 241 70515-1323, Fax: +49 241 70515-15
mailto:r.fuchs at aixtema.de
WWW: aixtema.de
Shop: shop.aixtema.de
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Oliver Rossbruch
HRB 8201, Amtsgericht Aachen
USt.-Id-Nr. DE 210 906 744
St.-Nr. 201/5942/3737, Finanzamt Aachen Stadt