In samba 4.5.0 update notes it states:
/NTLMv1 authentication disabled by default
----------------------------------------- In order to improve security
we have changed the default value for the "ntlm auth" option from
to "no". This may have impact on very old clients which doesn't
NTLMv2 yet. The primary user of NTLMv1 is MSCHAPv2 for VPNs and 802.1x.
By default, Samba will only allow NTLMv2 via NTLMSSP now, as we have the
following default "lanman auth = no", "ntlm auth = no" and
"raw NTLMv2
auth = no"./
I setup freeradius with samba 4.5.3 AD some time ago for 802.1x and I had to
change my smb.conf accordingly, otherwise I was also getting mschapv2 failures.
Hope it helps.
W dniu 2017-05-29 o 14:50, Tim ODriscoll via samba
pisze:> On 29 May 2017 12:32
>> When running 'winbindd -SFd5', I see a little more of the
problem after I run my two ntlm_auth commands > one after the other. I
believe the 'crap' part is an acronym for 'Challenge Response
>> Authentication Protocol', so why would it be failing?
> Edit2:
> wbinfo -a tim.odriscoll%<mypass> works perfectly, with the winbindd
debug logs showing the same output as ntlm_auth except with success messages.
> So, am I correct in assuming the challenge/response's that freeradius
is calculating are incorrect?
> Many thanks,
> Tim
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