L.P.H. van Belle
2017-Apr-26 16:26 UTC
[Samba] samba 4.6.3 for Debian Jessie available. ( amd64 and i386 )
Hai. I've finished the samba 4.6.3 builds for Debian Jessie. These packages are experimental so test before use in production. I have included all sources, even te rebuilded versions. The packages are signed by me. If you want to rebuild them, you MUST have jessie-backport in your apt repo and start with : apt-get install -t jessie-backports debhelper lintian devscripts build-essential fakeroot dh-systemd debhelper version is set to 10. Which is in jessie-backports. Now same as before.. You can find them here : http://downloads.van-belle.nl/samba4/samba-4.6.3/ for the impatient : wget http://downloads.van-belle.nl/samba4/samba-4.6.3/samba-463-installer.sh chmod +x samba-463-installer.sh edit samba-463-installer.sh and set the I_DID_READ_THIS="yes" and run the script. and DONT FORGET TO READ THE CHANGE LOGS... summerized here: http://downloads.van-belle.nl/samba4/Upgrade-info.txt The full list here at samba.org https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba_Features_added/changed_(by_release) Have fun with them. Greetz, Louis