Hello Rowland,
You shouldn't use 'ldaps' and ':636', in fact you
shouldn't use ':636'
at all.
OK, mini-howto coming up ;-)
The DC is dc1.samdom.example.com
The AD domain DN is dc=samdom,dc=example,dc=com
There is this line in the DC smb.conf: tls certfile = tls/cert.pem
The reverse dns zone has been created and operational
The client is devclient.samdom.example.com
On the DC:
Configure /etc/openldap/ldap.conf as follows:
HOST dc1.samdom.example.com
TLS_CACERT /usr/local/samba/private/tls/cert.pem
Add this line to smb.conf:
ldap server require strong auth = allow_sasl_over_tls
Now test with this command:
ldapsearch -D "Administrator at samdom.example.com" -b
"cn=Users,dc=samdom,dc=example,dc=com" -H
ldaps://dc1.samdom.example.com -W sAMAccountName=rowland
Enter password when prompted
If it is working, you will get the users AD object.
Copy the AD Root certificate to the Linux box
scp /usr/local/samba/private/tls/cert.pem root at
Configure the /etc/openldap/ldap.conf file as follows:
HOST dc1.samdom.example.com
TLS_CACERT /etc/ssl/certs/member1cert.pem
Test with the same command:
ldapsearch -D "Administrator at samdom.example.com" -b
"cn=Users,dc=samdom,dc=example,dc=com" -H
ldaps://dc1.samdom.example.com -W sAMAccountName=rowland
You should get the same output as on the DC.
The above works for me.
I tried the first part:
On the DC:
Configure /etc/openldap/ldap.conf as follows:
HOST dc1.samdom.example.com
TLS_CACERT /usr/local/samba/private/tls/cert.pem
Add this line to smb.conf:
ldap server require strong auth = allow_sasl_over_tls
Now test with this command:
ldapsearch -D "Administrator at samdom.example.com" -b
"cn=Users,dc=samdom,dc=example,dc=com" -H
ldaps://dc1.samdom.example.com -W sAMAccountName=rowland
[I got the same thing ]
ldapsearch -D "administrator at lucas.ufes.br" -b
"cn=users,cn=lucas,dc=ufes,dc=br" -H ldaps://devsamba.lucas.ufes.br -w
's3nh4.s3rv3r' sAMAccountName=administrator
ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)
Thank you for the help. I don't know if it is a server machine's
problem. Probably I'll backup and restore it or just set the server from the