Hi All,
Any advice on the below would be much appreciated.
On 04/08/2016 11:47, Hasan Salim wrote:> Hi All,
> We currently have our AD on Windows Server 2008 setup to work with
> Samba as a file share.
> I noticed on our event logs in Windows that we are getting warnings
> about a client performing LDAP binds without signing or using clear
> text LDAP. After enabling the logging for LDAP i have found this to be
> our Samba server performing these requests.
> I know how to solve the issue so that our Windows server will reject
> clear text LDAP bind requests but in doing so, would this affect our
> Samba server when it attempts to make a connection? If it does, can
> the LDAP settings be changed on the Samba server so that it can
> perform secure LDAP bind requests instead of clear text or unsigned?
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Regards,
> Hasan
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