> On 12 Jan 2016, at 01:25, Jean-Philippe Steinmetz <caskater47 at
gmail.com> wrote:
> I was able to find this thread that seems to be the same problem I am
> having.
> When provisioning a new AD domain controller in samba, I assume the default
> behavior is that all user profiles are set to roaming?
No. Like I said, I'm pretty sure Samba's not to blame here.
I also think that a MS account cannot be linked to any kind of admin account -
for a good reason. It's the same with Edge or MS Store, they won't open
on an admin account.
Create a regular user and try again.
> On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 3:16 PM, Jean-Philippe Steinmetz <
> caskater47 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> In a related problem. I've tried linking my Office365 account. I
>> through the sign-in process but when it is attempting to link the
device I
>> can an error message stating:
>> *We weren't able to register your device and add your account to
>> Your access to org resources may be limited.*
>> The domain account I am logged in with is part of the Domain Admins
>> so I don't think this should be a problem.
>> On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 3:13 PM, Jean-Philippe Steinmetz <
>> caskater47 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Viktor is correct. That is what I am trying to accomplish.
>>> The reason why I suspect it's a samba issue is because on the
>>> I use at my company I am able to successfully link my Microsoft
account to
>>> the domain profile. The company uses a Windows Server 2008 for
>>> Directory. So it would stand to reason the only difference here is
the type
>>> of server being used.
>>> Thank you for the link to the profile migration tool however. That
>>> help with a different problem. I tried migrating my existing local
>>> which did have my MS account linked. The profile is now migrated
but i've
>>> lost the link to the MS account.
>>> When I go to add it back I get the same behavior as before. It just
>>> doesn't work. If I open the Store app and try to sign-in with
the MS
>>> account I get the error message "We encountered an error.
Please try
>>> signing in again later."
>>> On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 3:00 PM, Viktor Trojanovic <viktor at
>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 11.01.2016 20:37, Rowland penny wrote:
>>>>>> On 11/01/16 19:26, Jean-Philippe Steinmetz wrote:
>>>>>> Yes I have provisioned the samba server as an Active
Directory domain
>>>>>> controller (I mentioned that in the first e-mail).
>>>>>> The reason for linking the two is to provide easy
access to additional
>>>>>> MS
>>>>>> services that won't be hosted internally (e.g.
OneDrive, Skype, MS
>>>>>> Store).
>>>>>> Ultimately I am using this as a private domain at home
to simplify
>>>>>> device
>>>>>> management but I want to continue be able to use
existing MS services
>>>>>> as
>>>>>> well.
>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 11:13 AM, Rowland penny
<rpenny at samba.org>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 11/01/16 19:04, Jean-Philippe Steinmetz wrote:
>>>>>>> Sure. In short, I am trying to link a Microsoft
Account to a domain
>>>>>>>> profile on the workstation.
>>>>>>>> I log in to the workstation with the user
profile controlled by the
>>>>>>>> samba
>>>>>>>> AD server (e.g. MYDOMAIN\MyUser). Then once
logged in I attempt to
>>>>>>>> link an
>>>>>>>> existing Microsoft Account to that user
profile. I do this by going
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> Settings->Accounts->Add a Microsoft
>>>>> I think I understand now, you want to change a local
profile to a
>>>>> domain profile (I don't think you can just link them),
if so, have a look
>>>>> here:
>>>>> forensit.com/downloads.html
>>>>> Rowland
>>>>> I am not sure you understand him yet. Microsoft, similar to
Google and
>>>> Apple, offers various cloud services that can all be reached
through one
>>>> single account, see
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_account for
>>>> details. A Microsoft account to Windows is what an Apple ID is
to iOS (or
>>>> at least that's where Microsoft is headed).
>>>> JP wants to achieve single sign-on for these services by
linking his
>>>> Microsoft account to his AD user account. If it's possible,
I don't know.
>>>> But I'm pretty sure it's not a Samba matter.
>>>> Viktor
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