Version 4.1.19-SerNet-RedHat-11.el7 on CentOS 7.1503 Trying to install a software app on a domain user's windows client (Win 7 Pro). The user and computer is authenticated to the domain and can read/write to the share in question. The company data that works with the software resides on share: /apple/fuji The software won't complete the install and reports the following error: The file \\host\apple\fuji\ACL_DEFAULT.crx could not be opened. Please check that your disk is not full and that you have access to the destination directory. I don't understand why there's a permission problem for this user. \\host\apple\fuji reports the following with getfacl: group:users:rwx Thus, any domain user should be able to read/write/execute. getfacl on the ACL_DEFAULT.crx file shows: -rwxrwxr-x+ 1 3000081 users 11K Jul 2 2013 ACL_DEFAULT.crx The Group - users - (domain users) - should be able to read/write/execute on this file. And the user is there and recognized on the domain: wbinfo -i smithy LOGIC\smithy:*:3000081:100:John Smith:/home/LOGIC/smithy:/bin/false Looking for guidance. Thanks for your help.