Hey folks! I need to allow smartcard authentication of a third party certificate generated with an UPN that has a suffix that is not my domain name. From AD literature, it's possible. I followed these guidelines to make an additional UPN available for login: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc772007.aspx But I'm missing something. Kerberos does a part of the job, but then fails to find the user. *Kerberos: found MS UPN SAN: marcelo.rabelo-andrade at notmydomain* *Kerberos: Found matching MS UPN SAN in certificate* *Kerberos: PKINIT pre-authentication succeeded -- marcelo.rabelo-andrade\@notmydomain at MY.DOMAIN using CN=MARCELO ROCHA RABELO DE ANDRADE,OU=Emissor of my certificate,C=BR* Up to this part, everything seems fine (note the login at notmydomain followed by the @MY.DOMAIN). But then, it derails: * Kerberos: TGS-REQ marcelo.rabelo-andrade at MY.DOMAIN from ipv4: <> for host/serpro1560071v1.receita.intranet at MY.DOMAIN [canonicalize, renewable, forwardable]* *[2015/08/31 18:46:49.021827, 3] ../source4/auth/kerberos/krb5_init_context.c:80(smb_krb5_debug_wrapper)* * Kerberos: Client no longer in database: marcelo.rabelo-andrade at MY.DOMAIN* If I run a kinit -E marcelo.rabelo-andrade at notmydomain, it works flawlessly. Any hints on the subject so I can pull it off? Am I missing something?