I'm using debian jessie
I have followed this instruction
Here is :
workgroup = DOM
realm = DOM.LOCAL
server role = member server
security = ADS
map to guest = Bad User
dedicated keytab file = /etc/krb5.keytab
kerberos method = dedicated keytab
syslog = 0
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 1000
dns proxy = No
panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
winbind enum users = Yes
winbind enum groups = Yes
winbind use default domain = Yes
winbind nss info = rfc2307
winbind refresh tickets = Yes
idmap config DOM:range = 10000-99999
idmap config DOM:backend = rid
idmap config *:range = 2000-9999
idmap config * : backend = tdb
create mask = 0664
force create mode = 0664
force directory mode = 0775
comment = Home Directories
valid users = %S
create mask = 0700
directory mask = 0700
browseable = No
Le 27/07/2015 15:47, Rowland Penny a écrit :> On 27/07/15 14:37, zorg wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Hope someone can help
>> I have setup a domain menber samba4 server
> How have you set it up, what howto or instructions did you follow ?
> What OS ?
> Please post the smb.conf from the member server
>> I can access it perfectly using his ip \\
> How are you trying to access the server ?
>> But if I use his name \\shareserver it ask me for a password like if
>> i was not join
>> dns are working
> What DNS are you using ?
> Rowland
>> Don't really know where to look to find the clue
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