Hi Chris,
This sounds like a bug and a configuration issue ;-) .
You are correct your domain controller IPv6 address should not change.
Is your /64 a static prefix that does not change with time? If it is,
then this probably means that you have temporary addresses configured on
your DC. Either scenarios are likely to cause a DNS update and add new
records. The old records should be deleted first. However, there are
issues with DDNS in the Samba Internal DNS server. This could be the
reason that they are not being deleted and old records remain in in DNS.
This is a bad thing. It is likely that this will not be a problem if you
were using BIND.
There are some IPv6/DNS related patches coming up but I suspect that
they might not fix this problem.
In the first instance, I would make sure that you have static addresses
on your DC and manually remove the old addresses.
Be aware then when deleting IPv6 addresses in DNS using the samba-tool
you cannot use the canonical form of the IPv6 address, you must write it
out in full. See my presentation from Samba XP 2015 at
I am out of the office for a while but when I get back I will take a
look at this.
Best Regards,
Dr David Holder CEng FIET MIEEE
Erion Ltd, An Cala, Inverkirkaig, Lochinver, Sutherland, IV27 4LR, UK
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On 20/06/2015 15:33, Christopher Roberts wrote:> I am using Samba 4.2.2 with Internal DNS.
> I haven't deliberately set up IPv6, but I know our ISP allocates us a
64 block and auto-configuration seems to be doing the rest. Generally machines
seem to be able to ping using IPv6 and Windows seems to be using that by
> But looking in DNS there seem to be around 100 IPv6 addresses showing for
the domain controller server, which surely cannot be healthy? And hundreds more
with the hostname "(same as parent folder)".
> Is this normal or is there something I should be doing to correct this?
> Thanks,
> Chris.