Hi there,
On Mon, 18 May 2015, Rowland Penney wrote:
> ... all the available tools seem to think that there are only 5 fsmo
> roles, but there are definitely 7, the two that get missed are:
> CN=Infrastructure,DC=DomainDnsZones,domain_dn
> CN=Infrastructure,DC=ForestDnsZones, domain_dn
> Would you be interested in trying out a new version of fsmo.py (a
> part of samba-tool) that I have altered ? This shows all 7 fsmo
> roles and transfers/siezes all the roles, if you do decide to use
> it, you use it at your own risk and I would suggest you try it first
> on a copy of your DC.
I'd be very interested. I have a W2003 server to retire. The server
is a VM, so breaking it isn't an issue.
Unfortunately getting the customer to get off his @r$e is very much an
issue. I only managed to retire the same customer's W2000 server when
its hardware finally died *last*October* so don't hold your breath.