On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 09:45:06PM +0200, Cassian Braconnier
wrote:> Hi,
> in "Using Samba" by G. Carter, J Ts and R. Eckstein, 3rd
edition, on
> chapter 5, page 113, I ses that the security = share option is
> "deprecated". It is said that "there is a high chance that
... will be
> removed from Samba at some future time".
> I find that security = share is extremely useful for many small non
> critical networks.
> Is it still the case that this option is considered "deprecated"
? and
> if so what is supposed to replace it and to give the same functionality ?
Well you can replace security = share with the correct "map to guest"
options, so it really isn't useful in the way you think. Having said
that we haven't (yet) removed it, and I just refactored the code
that implements it, so it'll probably be around causing us trouble
for a while yet :-).