It is discouraging how often I receive e-mails from these lists where the
subject is poorly written or inaccurate. You, my friend, do not suffer
from this problem at all.....
Sorry, had to get that out of the way. Now to get serious.
1. You should try to spend some time to configure outlook so your only
sending messages in plain text. Right now, you are sending messages in
both text and html format. There are a great many people who will just
ignore or filter out messages like that.
2. What your 'blank' computer needs is an "operating system".
Samba is
software that runs on many unix or 'unix-like' operating systems. If you
plan to venture in the world of Unix, I would suggest trying either Linux
or FreeBSD, because they are both readily available and have lots of
community support. There are 2 time tested and proven ways to get your
feet wet. One is to find a computer user group that will support / help
you (such as LUG's, Linux User Groups). The other is to buy a book like
"Teach yourself Linux in 24 hours", that usually come with a Linux CD
some flavor or other.
You can expect to spend some time familiarizing yourself with your new
'unix-like' os. Do *not* post questions or requests for help with your
on this list. This is not because I (we) are rude and unfriendly, but the
Samba mailing list already receives over 100 messages / day. It is simply
not realistic to expect the list to take on the burden of unrelated
questions. Come back to us when you are familiar with your computer /
operating system and are ready to try configuring Samba.
When downloaded, Samba comes with lots of documentation. That will be your
first place to start.
And finally, "Good Luck". Remember, every long journey has to start
the first step!
Jan 22 10:12pm
ASCII ribbon campaign ( )
- against HTML email X
& vcards / \
On Tue, 22 Jan 2002, Mad Earl wrote:
Hello everybody,
I am new to the Samba thing. I don't have a clue where to start. I
have a machine to dedicate to this server and to hard drive is completely empty.
I need to know how to start setting up the hard drive forward. I have
downloaded to samba-2.2.2 from the net. If anyone can help let me know.
Thanks for your time!!!