I just responded to this message with an answer of NO.
Im not sure what you are asking here !?!?
I just read another reply to this post. THe reply stated that the author
of the reply could not find information about voltage in the samba docs.
1. What in the world does operating volatage have to with Samba ?
THat doesn't make much sense ? Voltage specs simply states the
operating voltage that is required to make the device work.
After reading all the samba documentation in the past, I'm sure the
author of the samba docs assumed that the admin of samba had
enough knowlegde (and common sense) to have a WORKING printer before
expecting samba to work
with that printer.
2. I have repaired & installed many okidata 320's. I never came across
that operated on 220/240v. Maybe Okidata makes two different models.
Now of course if a printer requires a certain amount of voltage to
operate, escpically when the specified voltage is more the you have,
the printer simply isn't going to work. Take for example, your car.
Your car may require a 12 volt, high amperage battery to start. If
you connect several 6 volt batteries in paraell to obtain the specified
amperage, it going to start. Most likely not.
For reference, connecting serveral direct current power sources in
parrell increases amperage, and the voltage remains the same.
On Fri, 18 Jan 2002 CZaccardi@aol.com wrote:
> i purchased this printer on ebay, not knowing it was 220v 240v.
> question: can i plug in a 220 line to make in work, or will it damage
> printer.
> charles
> --
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