On Tue, 15 Jan 2002, Tony Ricker wrote:
> All,
> I have a windows file system mounted on my linux box using mount -t
> smbfs and I see this in the logs... Any help on what this means and more
> importantly what is causing this? I appreciate your time.
...> Jan 15 10:08:37 sifl mount.smbfs[16552]: 16552: session request to
> x.x.x.x failed (Called name not present)
> Jan 15 10:08:38 sifl mount.smbfs[16552]: 16552: session request to x
> failed (Called name not present)
It means the netbios name you have given is not recognised. For example:
mount -t smbfs // /mnt/smb
The server's netbios name isn't "", nor is it 192
(which is
the second guess), but some servers accept to be called "*SMBSERVER"
from the log-snippet I assume yours do.
Avoid this message by giving the proper name, and possibly also the IP if
the name lookup isn't working, ie
mount -t smbfs -o ip= //servername/share /mnt/smb