There are some progrograms on our Samba Server (oh wonder!).
There are two shares:
Sharename directory permissions ownership
prog1 /data/prog1 770 root.p1
prog1 /data/prog2 770 root.p2
Now there are some users. Not every user shall have permissiond for every
directory. So, here are the users:
username gid additational groups
user1 users p1
user2 users p2
The smb.conf is as follows:
path = /data/prog1
writeable = yes
create mask = 0777
directory mask = 0777
valid users = +p1
path = /data/prog2
writeable = yes
create mask = 0777
directory mask = 0777
valid users = +p2
Now user1 can use prog1 and user2 can use prog2.
There is just one logon-script that makes all connections:
net use p: \\server\prog1
net use q: \\server\prog2
While executing the logon-script user1 is asked for a password for prog2, and
user2 ist asked for a password for prog1. So, the execution of the logon-script
puses until the user strikes enter or something.
How can I configure the whole thing, that everything works in every case?
There is not the possibility of more than one logon-script because we have much
more groups and permissions, so the administration would be too much work.
Another way would be an alternative to net.exe that does not ask for a password
for shares i am not permitted to use. Does anyone know something about a
programm like that?
Thank you very much for your time and help,
Andre Klocke
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