I dont think postexec takes place right aftet the user closes the share.
There should be an option to set the time out on this sort of thing.
I ran into this same problem when I added shares for my cd-rom drives.
The prexec mounted the drive and the postexec umounts the drives.
The problem was postexec didn't run until a little while after the share
was closed.
Hope this helps.
If you find such an option to change the time out value on a share please
let me know.
On Sat, 12 Jan 2002, Yan Seiner wrote:
> I am testing preexec and postexec loggin to syslog. I've created a
> simple share below:
> [secure]
> comment = Network Security Service
> preexec = logger SAMBA-open: user %u Netbios client: %m DNS
> client: %m IP: %I time: %T
> postexec = logger SAMBA-close: user %u Netbios client: %m DNS
> client: %m IP: %I time: %T
> path = /var/samba/secure
> When I connect using smbclinet from another machine:
> [root@aphrodite pam.d]# smbclient //hamlet/secure -U yan
> the connection is logged:
> Jan 12 14:12:23 hamlet logger: SAMBA-open: user yan Netbios client:
> aphrodite DNS client: aphrodite IP: time: 2002/01/12
> 14:12:23
> but there is corresponding log from the postexec.
> Am I missing something?
> --Yan
> --
> Daddy, did all the hair that fell off your head stick to your arms?
> Akari, age 4
> ...
> oberon.cardhome.lan: 9:13am up 6 days, 13:32, 7 users, load average:
> 0.04, 0.10, 0.19
> --
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Thank you,
Steve Maroney