Can you activate debugging and chekout the logs ?
On Fri, 2002-01-11 at 13:46, ramat wrote:> Good morning,
> I would like to ask a small problem for the list.
> I installed a server Debian potato 2.2 since September over which I
> installed Samba 2.0.7.
> Since, a few days I have more and more users who have problems with
> their profiles --> more no backup of the pages visited on the Web,
> few applications are not run any more and generated errors.It is as if
> the profile were corrupt.
> Is this possible? How can I resolv this problem without recreate a new
> users.
> Indeed, for making test, I have create new users.
> All functions well. I tried to copy the profile of the new user an
> account which has a problemby re-electing the owner.
> I removed on the customer Windows NT the existing profiles so that it
> me it recree but I always havethe same problem.
> Somebody has an idee?
> Thanks for your help
> Nathalie
> I join my smb.conf
> ----
> ; *******************************************************************
> ; *******************************************************************
> ; *** ***
> ; *** ***
> ; *** ***
> ; *******************************************************************
> ; *******************************************************************
> ;
> ; /etc/samba/smb.conf
> ;
> [global]
> printing = bsd
> printcap name = /etc/printcap
> load printers = yes
> ; partage des imprimantes du serveur
> log file = /var/log/log.%m
> ; fichier log
> logon home = \\%L\%U
> ; repertoire home de l'utilisateur (%L=serveur, %U=user)
> logon path = \\%L\%U\profile
> ; repertoire pour les profiles
> domain logons = yes
> ; possibilite de se loguer sur le domaine
> password server =
> ; adresse du serveur ou se trouvent les mots de passe
> hosts allow = 192.168.22.
> ; les adresses des machines autorisees
> smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
> ; fichier samba des passwords
> logon drive = u:
> ; lecteur attribue au repertoire home de l'user
> logon script = connexion.bat
> ; script execute a la connexion
> security = user
> ; oblige celui qui ce connecte sous NT a avoir un compte unix sur le
> workgroup = DPTINFO
> ; nom du domaine/workgroup
> netbios name = litchi
> netbios aliases = LITCHI
> ; nom NetBIOS du serveur Samba
> server string = Serveur Samba %v
> ; commentaire associe au serveur
> encrypt passwords = yes
> ; cryptage des passwords
> wins support = yes
> ;wins server =
> ; samba ne sert de serveur wins (fait le rapprochement
> ; ce service est sur nectarine
> name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast
> ; ordre de resolution des noms de machine
> dns proxy = no
> ; This will prevent nmbd to search for NetBIOS names through DNS.
> preserve case = yes
> short preserve case = yes
> ; Name mangling options
> unix password sync = yes
> ; synchronisation des passwd samba/unix : si un est change, l'autre
> passwd program = /usr/bin/yppasswd %u
> ;passwd chat = *Enter\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n
*Retype\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n .
> ;passwd chat = "*Enter OLD *password*" %o\n "*Enter NEW
password*" %n\n "*Reenter NEW password*" %n\n "*Password
> passwd chat = *ld*password:* %o\n *ew*password:* %n\n
*etype*ew*password:* %n\n "*sword has been changed*"
> ; programme necessaire pour la synchronisation des passwords unix/samba
> max log size = 1000
> ; taille maximale du fichier log
> max disk size = 50
> time server = yes
> ; samba sert de server pour l'horloge
> socket options = TCP_NODELAY
> os level = 255
> domain master = yes
> local master = yes
> preferred master = yes
> dead time = 0
> debug level = 0
> ; autres parametres
> [homes]
> comment = Repertoires Home
> browseable = no
> read only = no
> create mask = 0700
> directory mask = 0700
> [printers]
> comment = All Printers
> browseable = no
> path = /tmp
> printable = yes
> ; public = no
> ; writable = no
> ; create mode = 0700
> guest ok = yes
> [netlogon]
> comment = NetLogon
> path = /home/netlogon/%g
> public = no
> writable = no
> ; browseable = no
> ; create mask = 0644
> ; directory mask = 0755
> [temp]
> comment = Repertoire temporaire
> path = /home/temp
> read only = no
> public = yes
> create mode = 0755
> [doc]
> comment = Repertoire doc
> path = /home/documentation
> read only = no
> public = yes
> create mode = 0755
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