Hello, all -
I am attempting to set up a point and print system between a Samba 2.2.2
server and some Windows 2000 Professional workstations. So far, I'm not
having a lot of luck.
I have set up my smb.conf file as such:
netbios name = PEAR
encrypt passwords = Yes
printer admin = slowe
path = /usr/local/samba/print
write list = slowe
read only = No
guest ok = Yes
path = /usr/local/apache/htdocs
read only = No
guest ok = Yes
comment = Pear WK-BD
path = /tmp
guest ok = Yes
printable = Yes
printer name = WK-BD
I have created the directory structure:
When I browse the Samba server from the Windows 2000 workstation, I am
greeted with my shares, the wkbd printer and the Printers option. When
I double click printers, I get the list of printers which has wkbd in
it. When I administer wkbd and attempt to add additional drivers, I get
the following error message:
"Device settings cannot be displayed. The driver for the specified
printer is not installed. Only spooler properties will be displayed.
Do you want to install the driver now?". When I choose "No", I
get the
spooler properties. I choose "Sharing" to attempt to add drivers
I get the following error message:
"Unable to install the Intel, Windows NT 4.0 or 2000 driver. Operation
could not be completed."
I am logged into my Windows workstation as slowe, and I am definitely a
"printer admin" (I tested it).
The printer is an HP LaserJet 4M Plus.
Any ideas?
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