Hi! The problem is that W98 doesn't ask user for username when connecting to SMB-share. This is not a problem when sharing between W98-computers, since those only require password for connecting - username is not taken into account. Problems start when connecting to NT/Samba-servers, which only seem to support two options: - username and password - no username, no password (guest) I have read lots of manuals, even bought a book about configuring Samba, but there is no mention about third option: - no username, but password (actually I think that W98 supplies random username instead of nothing) I'm using share-level security (many users, shared resources, no sense in using user-level security). So, does Samba support that third option (sharing something with password only, without username) and if it does, how to enable it? It is absolutely impossible to make changes on client-side (W98) - way too many boxes for that. Thanks for assistance. - Tronic -
> Hi! > > The problem is that W98 doesn't ask user for username when connecting to > SMB-share. This is not a problem when sharing between W98-computers, since > those only require password for connecting - username is not taken into > account. > > Problems start when connecting to NT/Samba-servers, which only seem to > support two options: > - username and password > - no username, no password (guest) > > I have read lots of manuals, even bought a book about configuring Samba, > but there is no mention about third option: > - no username, but password (actually I think that W98 supplies random > username instead of nothing) > > I'm using share-level security (many users, shared resources, no sense in > using user-level security). > > So, does Samba support that third option (sharing something with password > only, without username) and if it does, how to enable it?To my limited understandig this is what share level security does. As samba needs a vailied unix user id samba has a couple of rules to find/guess the user name used with share level security as explained in "man smb.conf" If you do not want to have different unix uids, try "force user = xyz" in smb.conf. Christian> > It is absolutely impossible to make changes on client-side (W98) - way too > many boxes for that. > > Thanks for assistance. > > - Tronic - > > > > -- > To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the > instructions: lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba >_(_)_ wWWWw _ @@@@ (_)@(_) vVVVv _ @@@@ (___) _(_)_ @@()@@ wWWWw (_)\ (___) _(_)_ @@()@@ Y (_)@(_) @@@@ (___) `|/ Y (_)@(_) @@@@ \|/ (_)\ / Y \| \|/ /(_) \| |/ | \ | \ |/ | / \ | / \|/ |/ \| \|/ jgs|// \\|/// \\\|//\\\|/// \|/// \\\|// \\|// \\\|// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^