OS: Solaris 8 Sparc
I'm new to this mailing list, so you might have seen the same questions
before. I have several questions to ask.
First off, Samba v2.0.7, I didn't have problems connecting to
//HOSTNAME/C$ via the smbclient. On v2.2.0, however, everytime I try to
connect to the hidden share, I get the following error:
session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)
That happens right after I type the password. I'm not sure if the new
client is having problems with the username or the password -- maybe,
they're too long? It works with the older smbclient from v2.0.7,
though. That's why I am perplexed.
Another question. Whenever, I try to access an object on my Samba
server, it appears to take quite awhile. For instance, if I open
Windows Explorer, and go to my Samba server, and right click on a file,
it'll set there for at least 30 seconds, before it gives me the menu to
cut or copy the file. Then, when I've selected copy, for instance, and
I go to a directory on the Windows box, and paste, it'll sit there for
another 30 seconds or so, before it copies the file. Once the copy
process gets started, the data is transferred quickly. This also
happened in v2.0.7.
Thanks in advance!
Internet: wfielder@ev1.net
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