SWAT will not run and in "messages" this line occures each time i try to restart the inetd process. "Apr 18 14:25:40 mira inetdÆ130Å: ÆID 220303 daemon.errorÅ swat/tcp: socket: Prot ocol not supported" In services i have this line: swat 901/tcp And in inetd.conf: swat stream tcp nowait.400 root /usr/local/samba/bin/swat swat Running solaris 8. Compiled with: gcc version 2.95.3 Machine: Sun Enterprise 420R Anyone have a clue what causes this error? Regards Per Kjetil Grotnes --- IT-Seksjonen, Plan- og bygningsetaten, Oslo Kommune Tlf: 22 66 26 61, Fax: 22 66 26 65