did you open the file using vi? if you did, this is because vi treats
files differently. To convert files from DOS to UNIX, type the
following at the prompt (if you are using RedHat):
# ttc -U <filename>
Hanuman Salamanchi wrote:
> Hi,
> Once I open a file in notepad as smbclient, after closing the file a
> carriage return is getting placed in the file. Why is this happening
and> how can I resolve this issue.
> Looking for any suggestions.
> Thank you
> Hanuman Yalamanchi
> Sr.Oracle DBA
> Petco Animal Supplies, Inc
> 858-453-7845 x3368
> hanumany@petco.com
> --
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Spawn -- the Scourge of the Dammed
Chris G Haravata
Backend Team Leader
IT Resources
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