I see references to people using the /smb file system to get at files over on NT servers, but I am not succeeding. My basic interest would be to get at my mail files without having to dual-boot over to windows, or to have to use VMWare to run a windows sub-session. It would SEEM that if I could see the mail spools from my unix machine under /smb, then I could use Netscape to read the mail... My understanding of the documentation is that I should run SMBSH and then run my UNIX process there, where I should be able to access the NT files under /smb. When I attempt this I get [reg@orion bin]$ ./smbsh Username: rwclemens Password: ERROR: can't get smbw shared lock (Invalid argument) [reg@orion bin]$ Looking at the code where this message is generated doesnt help much. Any ideas on what Im doing wrong, since I cant seem to even get into the game???? [ for reference, this is samba-2.2.0-alpha3, tho Ive had the same problem with the other other versions Ive tried.] Reg.Clemens reg@dwf.com