Hi everybody! We have been using Samba quite successfully, but are now testing a much bigger deployment. We run RedHat 6.2 with erratas applied. Samba is version 2.0.7. We currently have a problem with two applications running under WindowsNT 4.0 (TSE) Adobe Image Ready 2.0 and HoTMetaL Pro 4.0 ImageReady doesn't like to open files on a samba-share. We get a mysterious: "Could not complete procedure because a File-Systemerror occured" (<- translated from a german message. might be different in english) When I create a new file and save it on the Samba-Share their is no problem at all. I can work with it. But when I close / reopen the file, I get the same error. HoTMetal Pro has a problem when I try to save in HTML-Source view. The WYSIWYG view works though. Since this "workaround" is not so bad, this problem isn't so important I tried turning up the debug-level, but was flooded with messages. If you could help me locate the problem, that would be great. Escpecially the file-open problem seems to be strange. Ciao Leo