I had the same problem and could only figure out how to fix it by chmod
777 /var/spool. chmod +s didn't work, either. I've read about this
on other mailing lists.
> I must have a problem with ownership of the Samba directory that holds
the > spooled file to be printed. The only way that I can get a file to print
on a > Unix shared printer from a Windows computer is to define the spool area
R/W to > world, which is certainly not acceptable. I've tried having root, lp,
and > nobody as owners with no luck. Also, I've tried "guest ok =
yes". What
am I > missing? Below is the [printers] definition from my smb.conf file on a
Solaris > 7 computer.
> Thanks, in advance, for your help.
> Mike Box Phone: (540)231-9506
> Systems Administrator Fax: (540)231-3863
> Department of Statistics E-mail: Mike.Box@vt.edu
> Virginia Tech
> ---
> ...
> guest account = nobody
> printing = SYSV
> ...
> [printers]
> comment = All Printers
> path=/var/spool/lp/tmp/samba
> print command=/usr/bin/dos2unix -ascii %s | /bin/lp -d %p -s | rm %s
> browseable = no
> printable = yes
> public = yes
> writable = no
> create mode = 0700
> ; guest ok = yes