When running smbtar to backup a remote NT system to my local FreeBSD (4.1) box, the tar.out file is created in my "home" directory no matter how I specifiy the tape drive. Is this normal? I don't have enough space on the drive to accomodate the entire backup so I was hoping that smbtar would write directly to the drive. I have tried the -t switch with /dev/rsa0 as the device and have also set the Environmental variable to the same. Any suggestions? Thanks ....... Robert A Lee SunStar IP Communications ....... PGP Public Key at http://pgp5.ai.mit.edu Key ID 0xAACADD54 Fingerprint 6B 3A 39 F5 21 99 6D 86 45 DD 11 0B AE F5 E3 96 AA CA DD 54