Hi, Question: I want to transfert different kind of files from a PC (using winNT) to a Unix station (AIX 4.3) using SAMBA_aix432-, I want to know if it is possible to specify in what language code I want to transfert my file. In other words: do Samba has a switch who let us chose between binary or asci code when we want to transfert files. Jean-Guillaume Dussault L&HCONSULTANTS INC.> 6300, Cote de Liesse, Suite 200 > St-Laurent, (Qu?bec) ,H4T 1E3 > Tel: (514) 340-1818 > Tel: 1-800-567-4223 > Fax: (514) 340-1891 > Email: jdussault@lhconsultants.com > >