On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 10:43:11AM +0100, jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
wrote:> How do you read the digest? It is not in the digest format I know
> (RFC 934) and reading it as a long single message is very difficult.
> Is there an undigester which works with this format?
> ==John ffitch
i use procmail/formail, but this digest format really has some problems
sometimes parts of the headers of some mails go into the mail-body,
sometimes one mail get split up in two.
I hope that this can be resolved soon, its not funny reading
the samba list with the current digest format.
.-. | Manuel Bessler
/v\ L I N U X | <manuel@varxec.de>,
// \\ >Phear the Penguin< |
/( )\ | Debian/GNU Linux user
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