Try this :
veto files = /.?*/
The current directory in unix is represented by '.' and therefore
vetoing '.*'
the current directory, hence trying to change a file in the home directory will
denied, but by adding the ? it only means that files with more than one
starting with '.' are vetoed - this worked for me.
Richard Brodie
UNIX Admin
The Lincoln Electric Company Australia
"Matthew Foust" <> on 06-10-2000
02:29:06 AM
cc: (bcc: Support MK/LECAU)
Subject: veto files and Office 2000
I was wondering if anyone has had an experience similar to this:
We are running Samba 2.0.7 on Solaris 2.6.
veto files = /.*/
conflicts with MS Office 2000. One can access files on shares with no problem.
However, if you try and place an image into a PowerPoint presentation, for
example, via the Insert -> Picture -> From File menu option, you get a
permission error. I first thought it might be a Windows 2000 issue, but later
figured out it is tied ONLY to Excel/Word/PowerPoint 2000. All other apps on
Win2k are fine. Disabling 'veto files = /.*/' fixed the problem.
Matthew Foust
Technology Manager
Martin/Williams Advertising
60 South Sixth Street, 28th Floor
Minneapolis, MN 55402
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