Luzius Amb?hl wrote:>
> Hi everybody,
> I'm running Samba 2.0.7 on an Linux-machine (kernel 2.2.17-pre Suse
7.0) with
> passwordencryption disabled. Now I got the following strange problem:
> Form a win98 machine I can browse the samba-shares without a relogin.
> >From a NT4 SP6 machine I can browse the win98 shares without a relogin.
> >From the same NT4 machine I have to reenter the Login and the Password
> to browse samba-shares the first time. After that relogin everything works
> perfect. I use the same login and password-combination on all three
This is known behaviour. NT post SP3 defaults to encrypting the
passwords. If you are not using encrypted passwords, then you will be
re-propmted for userid/password each time you attempt to make a
connection. You need to turn on encrypted passwords, and you need to
make sure you understand the consequences that this may have to your
users first.