Hi, my name is Thomas Hansen, and I'm new to this list.
I've configurated Samba 2.0.4b no my Linux server(RH 6.2). I've got a
sub-network of 5 W95 machines (brahms, mozart, kodaly, copland and
villa-lobos.eca.usp.br) and the Linux Server (bach.cmu.eca.usp.br).
The Workgroup is MUSICA. BACH is configured as WINS server, security level
set to user, with plain-text passwords (no encryption). Netbios name is
set to
cmu.eca.usp.br. BACH authenticates user logons on all machines, and all
can access the shares on the server. All these things work perfectly.
The problems:
1 - When I try to create a share on W95 machines, it asks me to choose the
who will have permission to access it. When I click on the "Add"
however, it answers me: "It isn't possible to see the users list at
Try again later".
2 - When I try to connect to a W95 machine the linux server (with
it answers:
# smbclient //mozart/c
Added interface ip=143.107.985.90 bcast= nmask=
session setup failed: ERRDOS - 1311
If I try to connect to a W95 machine from another, the answer is:
\\Copland is not accessible.
There isn't any server available to start the logon request.
Finally, if I try to connect to a W95 from another, with the NET command:
C:\> net view \\copland
Error # 1311:
There isn't any server available to receive the logon request.
The only thing that works from the server to the W95 machines is the
-L command, which returns me the name of the shares configured on the W95
machines. Any try to connect to these shares, both from smb machines and
ones, doen't work.
Could anybody help me? I'm attaching my smb.conf file, in case it helps...
Thomas H.
# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from bach.cmu.usp.br (
# Date: 2000/09/27 17:33:00
# Global parameters
workgroup = MUSICA
netbios name = CMU.ECA.USP.BR
netbios aliases = CMU
server string = Servidor Samba do Departamento de Musica
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
passwd chat = *New*UNIX*password* %n\n *ReType*new*UNIX*password*
%n\n $
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
time server = Yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
printcap name = /etc/printcap
character set = ISO8859-1
logon script = %U.bat
logon path = \\%L\Profiles\%U
domain logons = Yes
os level = 65
preferred master = Yes
domain master = Yes
wins support = Yes
comment = %h rodando %v
hosts allow = 143.107.95. 143.107.94. 127.
printing = bsd
comment = Network Logon Service
path = /home/netlogon
share modes = No
path = /home/profiles
guest ok = Yes
browseable = No
comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
print ok = Yes
browseable = No
comment = Temporary file space
path = /tmp
guest ok = Yes
comment = Site do Departamento de Musica
path = /home/httpd/html
valid users = +lam +thomas
force group = lam
read only = No
create mask = 0664
path = /mnt/cdrom
only user = Yes
comment = Diretorio do Usuario
path = %H
read only = No