Hello, I have Samba 2.0.7-2 running on two RedHat 6.2 servers, the hardware is identical. The first in Indianapolis is connected to a network that is 10/100 switched and is working fine. The other is at our Charlotte office, this network has one switch and many hubs connected in a star pattern. The Charlotte network in general is slow at the user's desktop but is workable when using Microsoft or Novell servers. After implementing the RedHat server with it connected into a 100Mb hub the other servers and user's can not access the SAMBA shares. If I move the RedHat server to a 100Mb switch port all the servers access the Samba share correctly and quickly. However, the workstations are still a problem. I have remove all non essential network services and protocols on the desktops and still can not consistently access the SAMBA shares. The puzzling thing is if I PING the server twice from the client, once by IP address and then by Name I can access the SAMBA share. It is still not consistent sometimes it is quick to respond, sometimes slow but seems to respond. Is there anything that I can do with the SAMBA smb.conf for a slow network? Thank You, Dave Morton IT Technology Architect Key Family of Companies 9000 Keystone Crossing, Suite 400 Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 Phone: (317) 705-7761 Fax: (317) 705-7466 dmorton@keybenefit.com