Hey, something weird happened: I have Samba running as a PDC & WINS server, this Samba server is running @ our main branch in FT. Lauderdale, FL. I am able to still see our TX, WA, NY, UK branches, but I am no longer able to see our CA branch, but I am able to ping their systems by name, so obviously WINS is working. I have never been able to see our Holland branch. I had a win98 sys named Test Reports in my NY branch, and I changed its name to NYTR. I am now able to see the "NYTR" in Network Neighborhood, but I still see Test Reports listed. I have hit the refresh button several times, but still both names show up. Is there away I can reset the time that the NMBD daemon sends out its broadcasts, so that if I rename a sys, both names will not show up????