I've just installed Samba on Solaris-8. When i start 'smbd' the
following errors appear in the 'log.smb' log file:
# tail ../var/log.smb
[2000/07/13 13:53:19, 0] locking/shmem_sysv.c:sysv_shm_open(597)
ERROR: root did not create the semaphore
[2000/07/13 13:53:19, 0] locking/locking.c:locking_init(174)
ERROR: Failed to initialise share modes
[2000/07/13 13:53:22, 4] locking/shmem_sysv.c:sysv_shm_open(544)
Trying sysv shmem open of size 1048576
[2000/07/13 13:53:22, 0] locking/shmem_sysv.c:sysv_shm_open(597)
ERROR: root did not create the semaphore
[2000/07/13 13:53:22, 0] locking/locking.c:locking_init(174)
ERROR: Failed to initialise share modes
I can see the machine in the browse list on my Win98 machine, but can get the
(Unix) samba server to accept any
requests. I've gone through the trouble shooting doc w/ no luck. And
havn't found any reference to the 'semaphore'
error. I've checked the entries in '/etc/services' and
'/etc/inetd.conf'. And there isn't anything special in my
Anyone out there know how to fix this?
andy t.
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