I have a problem width my Linux Samba Server, because I have a mdb file in my
/home/staff path (share width samba), but I can't open this file in more
than one W98 client????
When my second W98 Client try to open this mdb file the message: "Cant'
lock file" appears. Why?
Note: if I share the same file in W98 machine, there are no problems!!!
Jorge Mota
Sociedade Torreense de Inform?tica, Lda.
Pra?a 25 de Abril 1A
2560 - 286 Torres Vedras
Telefone: 261 316245
Telefax: 261 316239
Web: www.sti-lda.pt
Geral: sti@sti-lda.pt
Suporte: suporte@sti-lda.pt
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