Hi, A few days back I wrote a message to this list complaining about c cedilla problems in filename with Samba as a client to WinNT. I got no replies, but after a better look into the problem, I found out it wasn't the ? "c cedilla" that was the problem, but the ? ("a" tilde) that follows it in (too) many Portuguese words. After hours of protocol traces with samba and Win95 I have discovered that when acting as server for smbclient, WinNT does not propely send ? ("a" tilde) but sends a normal NO-tilde "a" instead (I've verified it's CP850 code in tcpdump). However when receiving the file name WinNT expects it to have the tilde and fails with a File not found error (or worse when it's a directory) when the tilde isn't there. This is a killer with smbtar since there is NO way I can make it guess wheter an "a" in a filename has a tilde or not. I can't make backups of WinNT from the reliable Linux box. This sucks. This is very illogical since other accents are treated just fine, but I guess we can tipically expect these bugs from Micro$oft. The only way WinNT works (and that's how Win95 can work with this stupidity) is when using Unicode filenames. The sad thing is from what I saw in smbclient's code, Samba is a long way from supporting Unicode in smbclient. If no one is working on it, I can try to patch something up that will do it (Unicode has a nice mapping to ISO8859-1, which makes things easier). If someone is working in Unicode for the client, let me know! Thanks Gabriel