Hi, On my local PC I have two networkdrives, on from a samba-server and one from an NT-server. During the installation of the Imagine-package (NT-version) to this samba-server (V2.0.4b) I get the message that some file (Program Files\IMAGINE 8.4\etc\usgs.smd) cannot be opened for read. If I install the software to the NT-server everything runs fine. So in both cases I install from ny PC to a networkdrive. We use this sambaserver intensively for a lot of WNT/W98 clients without problems. Any explanation for this? Thanks, Kees Bol -- =================================================Mailto:bol@axp1.iend.wau.nl (!! bol@a,x,p,one,...) Dept. for Information Mgt. and Datacomm. (I&D) Wageningen UR, Dreijenplein 2, 6703 HB Wageningen, Netherlands Phone:+31(0)317-484715 Fax:+31(0)317-485360 http://www.wau.nl ==================================================