Paul D. Ostwick said:> What is the point of authenticating to an NT Domain if the users
> still have to have an account on the Linux server? Is there a way to
> make it so that whether or not someone can connect to the Samba
> server is dictated by the usernames/passwords on the NT PDC?
When you tell the Samba server to authenticate users against the NT PDC,
it is indeed the case that they have to have the right username/password
combo for the NT PDC.
BUT note Samba is accessing files on a Linux filesystem which is based
on Linux Users for access control. So the NT PDC users have to mapped onto
some form of Linux User. You can have parallel accounts on
the Linux system to match the NT PDC, but note the passwords do not have match
or even exist. Or you can map the NT Usernames either to different Linux
username or you can use guest access. See the username map parameter.
| Peter Polkinghorne, Computer Centre, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH,|
| +44 1895 274000 x2561 UK |