Noting a Sun E250 user... Has anyone done some comparison testing with
Sun's PC Netlink, now that it's free for SUN servers (ie included with
Easy Access server 3.0 - 1 server, unlimited clients).
Eckhard Szemkus wrote:>
> Hi,
> I have a samba installation on a sun E250. It works in
> servermodus to authenticate users with a Windows-PDC.
> Now I've the problem when a user connects to a networkdrive
> on the sun, sometimes it works, but sometimes it fails.
> then he would ask to input his password again and after 3
> times his account is deactivated on the PDC.
> in the logfile from the pdc I see during a connect
> first comes an request from user NT Authority/System for
> the user tries to login,
> than comes the request directly from the user.
> in this cause the the user can connect. otherwise the
> request from user NT Authority/System comes 3 times and the
> user is locked.
> this is the first entry:
> Logon Failure:
> Reason: Unknown user name or bad password
> User Name: HOERIG
> Domain: LANGROUP
> Logon Type: 3
> Logon Process: NTLanMan
> Authentication Package: msv1_0
> Workstation Name: \\UTAH2
> and this the second:
> user: hoerig
> Successful Logon:
> User Name: HOERIG
> Domain: LANGROUP
> Logon ID: 1020
> Logon Type: 3
> Logon Process: NTLanMan
> Authentication Package: msv1_0
> Workstation Name: \\UTAH2
> Has anybody an idea??
> thanx
> Eckhard
> ---------------------------------------------
> Eckhard Szemkus
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